Tuesday, July 06, 2004

John Edwards

Okay, if you've ever read this blog, which I know you have, because I am the only reader, then you, I, know how much I love John Edwards. I find a great deal of common ground with him on the issues. Like him, I am basically a moderate southerner who cares very deeply for the poor and underrepresented. Some people dismiss Edwards has a faux progressive, but he's the only politician in recent memory to take center stage and have the courage to talk about poverty. He's a brave man and he deserves support. That said, Kerry didn't have to pick Edwards to have my support. I'm young and am leaning towards activisim of the Democratic variety. Kerry had my vote regardless. The pick of Edwards says that he cares about keeping people like myself involved and I respect that. I will now be passionately advocating for the Kerry/Edwards ticket hoping, in part, that it leads to 8 years of an Edwards presidency following Kerry's 8 years.


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