Thursday, December 16, 2004

Don't call it a comeback

As is my custom, I am foregoing shaving for the duration of finals. The question posed to my readership is should I return to the days of the "Over the Top" mustache, or should I just shave it all off on Tuesday morning? Please, vote in comments. If nobody votes in comments, I will watch "Over the Top" and my decision will based on if the guy whom I modeled my mustache after can finally manage to beat Sly. If he miraculously wins, the mustache will stay.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Editor said...

I'm afraid that right now, the dry Wisconsin air is making any sort of facial hair unbarable. My vote is for shaving it off. I think that this is also how Meredith is voting. We all know that the wife overrules everyone else.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Editor said...

Although I shaved before my return to Austin, I am now considering growing a mustache for a group called Mustaches for Kids. The idea is to get sponsors and then grow for a month. The proceeds go to the Make a Wish Foundation. There are a ton of rules for what kind of stache you can grow, but I can work within them.


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