Sunday, October 02, 2005

college football wears me out

Well, mostly thinking about college football wears me out. How is it that USC can look completely unfocused in the first half in two consecutive games and the response from the media is that they are clearly mentally tough and at the top of their game right now? Sure they play lights out in the second half, but something has to be going wrong for them to be forced to play come from behind. That's one of those things that worries me about Texas. Many times last year and the Ohio State game this year, Texas managed to get down to teams than whom they are clearly superior, Kansas, Oklahoma State, Texas A&M, Michigan, etc. Some take the fact that they managed to win these games as a sign that Texas is just incredibly tough. I view it more as they are incredibly talented and somehow manage to take entire halves off. I'd rather see them crush their opposition than toy with them, however exciting it was to watch that comeback against Oklahoma State last year. Speaking of that, perhaps that game was more of a Les Miles choke than a Texas awakening, I saw the LSU-Tennessee game this year.

On a somewhat related note, am I the only person who finds it troubling that a person committed suicide by means of explosion in a traffic circle outside a stadium where 84,000 people were gathered in Norman, OK? That seems like something of a big deal.


At 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it didn't make the news or even the mentions out here. that worries me. EKG.


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