Wednesday, January 18, 2006

please advise

This is all I'm going to post about this because it's personal family business, but does anyone have advice on how to comfort small children dealing with the divorce of their parents?


At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always make sure they know it's not their fault, that their parents (and you, and their whole family) still love them very much, and that it's just a change. Unfortunately, the best you can hope to do it guide them through the change until they become accustomed to it. Divorce is very hard on little ones, and it takes constant attention and reassurance. It can be done, but it's tough.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto the above, and most importantly, no matter what has happened, happens in future, whatever you think or know or have been told, never under any circumstances badmouth either parent to or in front of the kids. it's really important for them to never have to choose between parents or families and to never be made to feel like they're betraying either parent in anything, even if it's just overhearing a remark and not defending that parent.

just be supportive and sweet like you always are, and don't act like it's the end of the world. yes, it is a horrible and unfortunate turn of events, and it would have been preferable if it could have been avoided, but now that it's here it's far better for these children to have happy parents in two different houses than unhappy parents constantly fighting in one house.

just be there for them. take every opportunity to make sure that they know everyone loves them and this is not their fault and has nothing to do with their actions. I'm sorry this is happening. talk to you later, EKG.


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