Friday, February 02, 2007

It's just football

I like to read many of the political blogs. I think they are sometimes interesting, sometimes inane, mostly inane. I don't understand this attempt to politicize the Super Bowl. Don't cheer for the Colts because Peyton Manning gave money to Bush. Don't cheer for the Colts because Tony Dungy is speaking at an anti-gay event. What about Tank Johnson and Ricky Manning for the Bears? How can you cheer for them?

I think supporting Bush or an anti-gay agenda are clearly wrong things to do. I also think hoarding undocumented weapons and beating innocent people are not good things to do either. In fact, I think cheering for a team in a football game based on political rationale is stupid. It's a game. If you don't care about either of the teams, simply go to and do the bandwagon test. Or, do what I do and support the team that has the most players from your University of choice. The Bears have Cedric Benson and Nathan Vasher, so I will cheer for them. They also happen to be my bandwagon team.

Another reasonable way to determine who to cheer for is to guess who Vince Young would cheer for and then to cheer for that team.


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Administrator said...

I'm still torn. I sort of like Peyton Manning and I like both coaches and I really want to root for Cedric and Nathan, but Eleanor is wearing her Packers outfit today since it won't fit next season and I don't know how I can root for the Bears when my daughter it wearing a Packers outfit.

Then again, I will have no problem rooting against Tech when she wears a Tech outfit, so I guess I should get over it.

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Administrator said...

I'm still torn. I sort of like Peyton Manning and I like both coaches and I really want to root for Cedric and Nathan, but Eleanor is wearing her Packers outfit today since it won't fit next season and I don't know how I can root for the Bears when my daughter it wearing a Packers outfit.

Then again, I will have no problem rooting against Tech when she wears a Tech outfit, so I guess I should get over it.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Administrator said...

Hooray for double-posting in error!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Editor said...

The NFL selected the Bears as your bandwagon team. You can't go against their very sophisticated method of determining bandwagon.

I'm not torn, even though I like Peyton Manning and the Colts in general. Lovie Smith is from the state of Texas and Dungy played for the hated Golden Gophers. It's an easy choice.


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