Saturday, January 13, 2007

Flooding. Yay!

Mrs. LaBlog spent today unpacking and repacking our closet because the recent storms have brought a closet full of water. It is not awesome. Nothing too exciting was ruined. We lost two of our little round Ikea rugs and we'll have to hope that we can get the stank water out of some clothes that had made their way to the floor. A piece of artwork that was on loan may also have been destroyed. It only costs $500, so no problem there. Damn. We did manage to get an eight quart Calphalon multi-pot today. It is a stock pot with a pasta insert as well as a steamer insert. We made tamales tonight. They were the Central Market pre-cooked kinds, so it only took 15 minutes of steaming as opposed to an hour or two. So, that worked out. We're also the proud owners of six new bins. Super.


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