Thursday, February 22, 2007

A very Bob LaBlog Blog

This blog is generally a fairly random collection of short posts about whatever it is that I happen to be thinking of, typically football or policy or perhaps even unemployment. I think that fits.

Mrs. LaBlog is encouraging me to apply for a job with the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities in the beautiful and always charming District of Columbia.

The job interviews went strangely. I couldn't remember what regression models I used two years ago and that's all they wanted to talk about at one place. The job would be research as opposed to policy based. I'm not sure that I would enjoy that. It seems like a step towards academia. The other interview was strange. I was a liberal in a conservative Republicans office. The people were nice and they seem to like my policy interests. But honestly, what legislator doesn't want to hire a public finance policy person, particularly a legislator on the Economic Development Committee. What the hell is economic development anyway?

Is 28 Days Later just a bizarro version of Brain Candy?


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