Thursday, February 26, 2004

I love John Edwards but...

I wish that he would support more health care spending. I know that he wants to work to reduce poverty and he wants to spend money that could go towards health care on increasing the wealth and savings of the working class. That is an extremely important issue. The wealth disparity is probably the single biggest cause of problems for our working poor. However, if you spend money on health care, you would reduce the negative effects of poverty on the poor. The reduction of the negative effects also has an equalizing effect as there is less doubt as well as a reduced burdon from health care expenses. I see no reason why we can't have universal savings programs as well as health care. Also, I understand that Edwards was raised in a mill village and saw jobs go away. I also understand that Kerry is the richest of the US Senators. And finally, I understand that in the realm of trade, there is no difference between the two of them. In this case, background doesn't matter much. Edwards may have been poor, but he's a multi-millionaire now.


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