Friday, February 17, 2006

Fitzgerald and Pass - ... Again

Side B wasn't working very well. That happens sometimes.

I'm working on applications and group work today. Peter tells me that I may be able to add Project Manager to my resume. That'd be nice.

If I feel like something that I am working on isn't going well and doesn't appear to improving, then why can't I fe frustrated about that? Sometimes it's that frustration that makes you work better.

I keep looking, but for some reason there aren't any football games on the television. Did they cancel them? That's my favorite show. I keep hearing that I have to wait until the fall for the new season. That's too long. Other programs have random episodes in the spring and summer, why not football.

I don't know what to do this weekend. I need to get out of town, but that's not happening for a while. I have homework due on Wednesday. I don't want to do it. I don't think I have any other assignments due for at least a week or two. Then I have a rough draft of our giant project. The project that won't progress.

Meredith sent in an application for a job in Austin yesterday. I should copy her. Maybe Thundercloud is hiring. I think I can still make sandwiches if need be.


At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. hate it when they cancel my favorite shows. it's like they think no one wants to watch baseball in the winter. but they do. oh yes, they do. talk to you later, EKG.


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