Saturday, February 25, 2006

Willie Nelson and Family - Honeysuckle Rose

There are few things as good as Willie Nelson and this is arguably his best album. I think it's my favorite.

Screw you TAA. The Union that negotiates my PA contract has increased the fees that they take out of my check from $9.90 a month to $11.55 a month. That's highway robbery. Aside from the incredibly cheap insurance and the relatively high wages, what have they done for me?

Tea, pineapple, strawberries, and toast. That was breakfast today. It was nearly perfect. There were no cherubs singing choruses which bumped it down a notch.

The cd player isn't working again. Fortunately, the dvd player is more than willing and able to fill in.


At 5:36 PM, Blogger elasticwaistbandlady said...

Yes, I can't wait to hear Willie Nelson's new gay cowboy song in its entirety. There is nothing in this World more pleasurable to the auditory senses than a song about gay cowboys. YEE-HAWWWW!


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