Sunday, October 30, 2005

Congratulations Madison

Only 375 people were arrested downtown this Halloween weekend. That's down a bit from last year while the crowd was bigger this year. Apparently the loud speaker system worked okay and there wasn't as much damage to State Street businesses as in past years. I haven't heard of any fires this year either. Also, it sounds as if out-of-town revelers were a significant portion of the problem. My guess is that locals were responsible for most of the citations and visitors were responsible for a disproportionate number of the arrests.

FYI: I grew a mustache and am being sleazy for halloween. Sometimes one must be a little over-the-top.

UPDATE: The funniest thing about the response to this post is that I was seriously commending the city for doing a better job, not a great job, but a vast improvement over last year. Commenters who don't like this post should check out the archive for some much better Madison bashing.

UPDATE II: The city of Madison has the official number of arrest at 447 which is different than the Capital Times' unofficial number of 375. 447 arrests out of 100,000 party-goers is certainly an improvement over last year's 450 arrests out of 80,000 participants.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Craig P Chester said...

If you are not from Madison, stay home. You - people not from Madison - have ruined the party, probably for good. Yeah yeah, you didnt riot, etc etc, but you also havent been part of the process of trying to prevent them for 3 years either. So try and start a fun party in your own city next year.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Editor said...

If there is any confusion, I do live in Madison. I didn't go out for Halloween. I watched my beloved Longhorns give me a heart attack. This town is a shit hole, but I freely acknowledge that I live here.

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, don't bash my city. If you don't think it's a great city then you need to open your effing eyes.(Ironically, the only locale I would openly bash with disregard to its residents is Texas, and deservedly so.)

Second, Kevin, you're right. There were 447 people arrested. 178 Friday and 269 Saturday.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Editor said...

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