Saturday, November 19, 2005


I'm watching the USC-Fresno State game and I can't shake this feeling that no matter how good they are, USC is bunch of pussies. Reggie Bush is particularly so because he always wears long sleeve undershirts for home games in Los Angeles. It's not cold in L.A. They weren't wearing long sleeves in Ann Arbor or Lansing.

On a related note, why do the sportscasters not want to give Texas any credit for their success this year. I hear talk about how Ohio State would have won that game if Troy Smith had played the whole game. I heard talk that Miami is better than Texas. I'm glad that Miami lost, not just because I hate the seventh floor crew, but I like to see the sportscasters backtrack.

Fresno State is looking tough. I love the announcers. They're like the two dumb drunk guys at the bar who won't shut up but somehow they're endearing.


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