Thursday, May 04, 2006

End of an Era

I went to my last class meeting as a graduate student today. That feels nice. I still have a presentation, two papers, and a take home final type thing, but no more classes.

I notified my landlord that I will not be renewing my lease, thus giving me assured housing through the end of July. We hope to move sooner than that.

I rode in an Impreza today. It was a slick car. This was the hatchback version.

Caesar and I thought that we would need to do some work between now and turning in our paper next Thursday, but the professor seems to think otherwise. Rest assured, we will still do some work to make our product of high quality. She's a gunner and I've got too much pride to turn in something that's not that great, particularly if it's a team project.

I pledged a campaign donation yesterday with the only request being that the State of Wisconsin declare January 4th to be Vince Young Day. I think it's a good idea. Go to the Jamie Aulik for State Senate link and give him some money. He's a good guy and I feel like I had some influence on him deciding to run, in that I told him to run when he wasn't considering it and now he's a candidate. He's a really solid guy, the kind of person that should be in office. He's a veteran of the current Iraq war. He's a sportsman. Most importantly, he's getting his Masters in Public Affairs next weekend, so he understands the complexities and nuance of policy analysis and policy making.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger tortcaesar said...

Seriously, I feel dumber for having sat through 2 hours and 20 minutes today.

Nice job, however.

Yeah, we rock.


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