Thursday, May 11, 2006

Slightly Torn

In approximatly 33 hours, I will have my in-laws, my parents, my sister, my niece, and my nephew all in town for my graduation. I'm excited to have all of them, but I'm particularly excited about my niece and nephew. My feelings are slightly mixed though. They didn't know that they wanted to take an almost 2 year old on a 12 hour car trip, but his dad refused to keep him for the weekend. He's got a date or some bullshit. I hope, for everybody's sake, that he realizes how fortunate he is to have ex-in-laws who go out of there way to be nice to him and keep him involved in the family. That's not the most common thing in the world. He should do things, like take care of his son, if he's needed. It's pretty simple. So, I'm a little torn. I feel bad that my sister and mom are upset about this, but I'm really happy to see the kid. He's almost named after me. He's like a little Bobby LaBlog.


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