Friday, November 17, 2006

I drove

I've been making a lot of progress over the past couple weeks. In the past three days or so I have started walking without crutches at home. I still need one when I'm outside or elsewhere. I'm not quite able to navigate unfamiliar lands. I also need the crutch if I'll be walking for more than a few minutes. I still have no strength. I drove Mrs. LaBlog's car the other night. It was hard. The clutch was really heavy and sometimes I needed to use my hand to lift my leg off of the clutch, but I did okay and we made it to the grocery store without incident. I did have to reschedule my interview.

I had some test to see if there is some underlying cause for my slow recovery. My results are consistent with a degenerative joint condition. I have not been diagnosed with anything at this time. I'll see a doctor on Monday and he'll likely send me to a specialist. Hopefully I'll have health insurance before I am officially diagnosed. I don't want the dreaded pre-existing condition.

I'm sure I have some friends who are Health Policy people, so could one of them get to work on some universial health care. I had the audacity to move across the country to be closer to family and I'm rewarded with upwards of $2,000 in medical bills for a sprained knee, with more on the way if another specialist is involved. It's crap. People deserve better than that.


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