Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Big News

I hear that John Edwards has endorsed Barack Obama, apparently with his eye on the Attorney General position. I don't think it's any secret that I have a giant man-crush and the former Senator from North Carolina. I still think Edwards would have been the best President out of all of the once-declared and currently-declared candidates. That said, it's been clear for a while now that Obama is far and away the best remaining candidate in either party and it's nice that Edwards has officially come out in support of our presumptive nominee and likely the next President of the United States (God willing).

I just want to add one more thing, I don't think endorsements from former opponents are all that important generally, but for me the possibility of John Edwards in the next administration gives me enthusiasm for Obama's candidacy that might not have otherwise been there. Instead of wearing a button and making a donation, I'll likely make a larger donation and I'll consider spending more of my free time actively volunteering for the Obama campaign.


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