Friday, April 01, 2005

You've won again, hardwood floors

Last night, in the Walgreen's parking lot, I'm walking when this guy in a red car speeds towards me with no sign that he notices me. I manage to jump out of the way just in time to avoid being hit, with the added bonus that Meredith's yelling caused him to pause long enough for me to walk to his window, hands up in disgust/rage. Flash to two hours later, and I'm walking from my living room to my bedroom when my socked feet slip across the floor causing me to come crashing down on my right side. This resulted in a wasted evening as the pain/embarrassment of falling left me unable or unwilling to do much. Now, the following day, I still have some pain in my right side from the fall. Mostly, my hip and shoulder hurt. The explanation that I have formulated as to why I could avoid a speeding car, yet not walk to my bedroom is that God wanted me to have the approximate level of pain that coincides with how close I came to getting seriously injured by the car. In other words, I blame God. I think that's the safest route.


At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

socks + hardwood floors = pain

simple math that even I can do.

maybe some sleep socks with little treads on the bottom? or would that be another blow to the manhood? (nobody has to know...)

sorry, bud. hope everything's not hurting now.



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