Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Gulf

I'm sitting here in my apartment thinking about the gulf coast, particularly the delta region, and I'm wondering what can I do to help. Giving money is one thing. Everyone who can afford to give should give. Frankly, most people in this country can afford to give. The University of Texas is helping in an interesting way. They're allowing any students from schools adversely affected by the hurricane to attend classes in Austin for at least the fall semester. I don't know where they would put those people. I suppose the University can house people in any number of the fancy new apartment complexes in town. But that's an institution of higher learning with incredible funding and a great ability to do good. It just seems to me that there should be something that I, a southerner attending a top-flight public policy school, could or should be doing to help out. If anybody can think of what that might be, please let me know.


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