Sunday, July 09, 2006

Surreal Life

I still don't feel like I live in Austin. Our refrigerator smells like death, so we haven't been able to put any groceries in it. A new fridge is sitting in the office waiting for the new maintenance man's first day on Monday. We'll also get a stove from another unit. I'm looking forward to it. It's frustrating living across the street from one of the best grocery stores anywhere and not being able to buy produce or anything else that needs refrigeration.

I think I won't be totally comfortable with living here until I get a job and have some sort of productive routine in my life. Also, the lady says that I can get a new Civic EX Coupe if I get a job. Those things are nice.

Speaking of cars, a new Scion xB will join our family sometime next week. It's the largest birthday present I have ever given anyone.


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