Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You know, stuff

I hate applying for jobs, or more precisely, I hate turning in applications. The moment that small stack of papers leave my possession and go to some agency that may or may not choose to employ me, I lose my control of the process. I can perfectly control what goes on that paper, but I can't control how they interpret it. It drives me nuts.

Apparently you have to pay for things like housing and electricity. Why didn't anybody bother to tell me that.

Why is my financial advisor not licensed to practice in my state. It seems like I should be shopping for a replacement.

I'm out of shape and my major exercise is walking to the grocery store. That's no so good.

I've been wanting the Greenbush lately. If you live in Madison, go there.


At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the applications don't bother me nearly as much as cover letters. I have no idea what to say in them. ick.


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