Wednesday, May 14, 2008

APD Has Brilliant Enforcement Priorities

We got an agency wide email today warning that APD is now giving $500 jaywalking tickets in the area around our building. I work in the giant state government complex at 49th and Lamar. A relatively easy (jay)walk across Lamar leads to the multiple restaurants housed in the Triangle development. If I want to legally walk to the Triangle, I have to walk up Lamar to 51st and cross at that light. I then have to walk down Guadalupe to 45th and cross Guadalupe there and then walk back up Guadalupe towards the Triangle (it is possible that there is a crosswalk between 45th and 51st on Guadalupe). The other legal option is to walk down Lamar to 45th and then cross Lamar there and then walk back up Lamar towards my office, for just over a quarter of a mile until I get to the restaurant area. If I were driving I would simply turn right onto Lamar and then make a quick left into the Triangle. The City of Austin is far from believable when it says that it's goal is to make Austin a sustainable, walkable city when these are the practical policies that the City chooses to enact and enforce. give us a cross-walk or build a pedestrian bridge if the jaywalking scourge is that big an issue.


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