Thursday, April 13, 2006

I think my brain stopped

At some point in time I will be forced to take my program evaluation seriously. I think rigging it so that my evaluation project is as simple as possible may delay the inevitable starting an assignment before 11 the night before it's due. I almost think it'd be a shame if I never get to that point. Workshop has my attention right now.

I'm about to go to sleep. I am more than a little tired. I've been tired since I got up this morning. I missed the bus and then I drove to school. I had to hurry up the stupid big hill. I got to class on time, but barely.

I am supposed to have my portion of the worshop project done by 8 am on Friday. I wonder how likely that is. I'll be glad to be rid of that thing. I think it is possible that we will have a good product at the end, but I just want it over.

I'm considering going down to Austin for a week or so after school ends just for the purpose of whoring myself to state agencies. Somebody has to want to hire me. I work cheap. My highest paid job is as a project assistant. I have a long and distinguished career as a sandwich maker too. I am not used to earning a high wage. Take note employers, you can get me cheap.

EKG, I hope everything is going okay. Your last week or two sounds an awful lot like my Christmas of 2000. I know that messing around with an ex-girlfriend is definitely not the best way to make yourself feel better. That's about all I'm good for.


At 1:27 AM, Blogger Administrator said...

Come to Austin and whore away.
We can eat BBQ along the way.

That was a couplet. My brain is in about the same state. The paper I am supposed to rewrite remains untouched. I read my professor's paper about why my paper won't work, and he's right, my paper is pointless if you actually understand choice of law rules. It might come down to simply turning in the same paper again and hoping for the best.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be in Austin for a few days the second week in May... just in time for the Hedwig sing-along and Mr. Sinus "Showgirls!" :)

thanks, bud. last week sucked, and things had better get sunnier from here on out. the fam is looking for a wedding now to have some happiness to counteract the last week. cousin Annie's in that bull's eye, not me. will keep your advice in mind. ;) thanks, EKG.


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