Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Apparently Flight Path is a refuge for Central Texas mosquitoes. I say this because I went there the other night and I now have roughly 25 bites on my ankles. This kept me awake for most of the night last night, leading to a 3.30 trip to Walgreen's for some Aveeno relief. It also led to one of the stranger injuries I've ever sustained. Somehow, while applying the Aveeno to my ankles, I managed to hurt my left knee. I moved my leg but the bottom half wouldn't go anywhere and then there was this strange sound. It was somewhere between the slicing lettuce sound on restaurant commercials and the breaking of uncooked spaghetti. The sound was followed by pain that has been building throughout the day.

It is day 10 of no phone service. Nobody at Grande seems to have a clue about what's going on.

Mrs. LaBlog officially got a promotion today.


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